Jen Groover: Build Your Brand | Build Your Demand

“You cannot know your brand until you know yourself” was how Jen Groover — serial entrepreneur, brand innovator, speaker, author and USANA influencer — began her presentation at the 2013 Convention Training Stage. Those lucky enough to hear her message received some life-changing and business-changing tactics to help their USANA business grow to its fullest potential.

For those who were unable to attend her presentation, we’ve compiled this valuable information so that you, too, will have the tools to start building your own brand.

173263076But before you begin, the “One-Woman Brand” recommends asking yourself three questions:

  1. Who do I want to be?
  2. What is my legacy?
  3. What impact do I want to make?

After you’ve honestly answered these questions, you can begin to personalize your message to your audience.

Set Yourself Apart

“Carve out your niche of expertise and be authentic,” Jen says. “Your uniqueness is your power.”

The most authentic brands are the most successful so don’t try and be someone you’re not. For example, Jordan Kemper, USANA 1-Star Diamond Director, didn’t become a Growth 25 member overnight. It took years of hard work and determination, AND Jordan knew who he wanted to be and what he wanted to become.

However, don’t be someone else — be yourself.

Jen suggests that if you’re a new mom and you want to build your business within a new mom “space,” become a mom blogger. Go into your community and teach educational workshops about nutrition to new mothers. Jen gives another example: If you’re a runner, host a running group in the morning and invite your group over for Nutrimeal™ shakes afterward.

“By providing your potential customers education and your own experiences, you won’t have to sell them a thing,” Jen says.

Build a Platform

“Just like the spokes of a wheel, your platform should be continuous,” Jen explains. “Each element should depend on the other and will require all elements to be successful.”

Wheel Spokes Rec

By utilizing these mediums, you’ll “become your own walking, talking billboard,” the top media mogul says. (Check USANA policies and procedures before moving forward to make sure you are in compliance.)

  1. Websites — Create your own USANA personal website and publicize a professional image to your prospects and team.
  2. Social Media — Provide your audience with daily tips and facts about what you know best. You will gain a following and be recognized in other mediums.
  3. Blogging — Get trained on writing and blogging, then either create your own blog or contribute to others.
  4. Radio — Become an expert on the radio. You can reach a wide audience and increase your credibility.
  5. Newspapers — Send an email to the editor and pitch an original story idea, surrounding your area of expertise.
  6. Magazines  — Pitch your compelling concept to an editor and you may get free advertising in return.
  7. Television — Train in media and position yourself as an authority on your specific product or service on your local news channel.

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General entrepreneur tips (all may not apply to your USANA business):

  1. Speaking — Become a storyteller and you’ll quickly become an expert and content creator. Reach out to local community centers, schools and more.
  2. Videos — Create your own “How To” videos and provide a call to action where people can get more information.
  3. Partnerships — Get creative and collaborate with others in your specific niche, adding leverage to your message.
  4. Affiliate Marketing — Market yourself by offering your service and/or product online. You can partner with a publisher to get more exposure.
  5. Coupon Site Partnerships — Utilize coupon sites such as Groupon. You’ll be able to reach a large database of potential customers without much cost.
  6. Licensing — Get your own product or service licensed. Each time you give permission for its use, you will receive a check in the mail.
  7. Publishing — Develop yourself as a writer, then publish a book; you will gain immediate credibility.
  8. Celebrity Gifting — Put your product in the hands of a celebrity at no charge. It will pay for itself in the long run.
  9. Mobile Apps — Create your own mobile app that provides your prospects with detailed information regarding the service or product you offer.

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For more great tips and advice on building your business, see Jen here:

Social: Twitter | Facebook


Brands: Butler Bag | What If and Why Not | Leader Girlz | Jen Groover Productions | Hurdle Hoppers


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