Tag Archive for: RESET


25 RESET Winners Drop Nearly 1,300 Pounds

The road to Sanoviv was paved with dedication, commitment, and a whole bunch of shed weight. In our last RESET Challenge* (before we move to MySmart™Start), our final class of winners spanned from Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,…

Soulagé d’un grand poids

Soulagé d’un grand poids On rencontre de temps à autre une personne dont l’histoire est si inspirante qu’on se sent obligé de la partager. C’est le cas de celle de Kevin Boucher. J’ai eu récemment l’occasion de voyager à Toronto…

USANA Foods: Tools for a Healthier, Happier Life

A Weight is Lifted Every once in a while you meet someone in life whose story is so inspiring you feel compelled to share it. Kevin Boucher’s story is one of these. Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to Toronto to celebrate Canada’s…

Guess What? I Got to Try the New MySmartFoods

Editor’s note: This story was written by a USANA employee who was granted special access to our new MySmartFoods line of protein shakes and bars. He tailored the current RESET Challenge to work with MySmartFoods. We hope you’re excited to…
meditation healthy habits

How to Create Healthy Habits and Actually Keep Them

A family curse. That’s what I’ve decided it has to be. Why else have I always struggled to be on time to functions my entire life? Since I was young, it seemed my family were always the last ones to arrive anywhere. In fact, it’s a running…

Healthy Eggnog Made with USANA’s Nutrimeal

Every year when the eggnog first hits the shelves in the grocery store, I practically prance around with excitement. It's probably a good thing they don't sell it year-round. Bad for my prancing and morale, but good for my health (if you're…