Tag Archive for: Vitamin D

Capture Vitamin D

The ABCs of Vitamin D

Just when you thought you knew everything there was to know about vitamin D, USANA goes and uncovers even more benefits of this incredible nutrient! A new research study, done in conjunction with Intermountain Healthcare’s The Orthopedic Specialty…
Positive self-talk fitness

Supplement Spotlight: Focus on Fitness

Fitness isn’t something that you can achieve and be done with — it’s something to maintain throughout your life. And every time you decide to work out during your lunch hour, or even take the stairs instead of the elevator, you’re…

Scientifically Speaking: Got Vitamin D?

Since I’ve started working at USANA, I’ve heard a lot about vitamin D and why it’s so important. And even before I spent my days writing about health supplements, vitamin D deficiency seemed to be quite the newsworthy topic. Now that I’ve…

Scientifically Speaking: The Health of Our Children

Not to sound too cheesy here, but Whitney Houston was so right when she sang, “the children are our future.” I mean, think about it, we’re molding future generations day in and day out, teaching them valuable lessons that hopefully…

Build a Healthy Foundation for Baby and You

Starting a family changes everything for soon-to-be-moms — it means thinking for two, planning for two, and of course, nutrition for two. Whether you are pregnant, nursing, or looking to start a family, it is now more important than ever to…

Scientifically Speaking: Uncovering the Benefits of Vitamin D

If you’re connected to USANA in some way, you’ve probably heard us talk about how awesome vitamin D is. We’re always stressing the importance of this vital micronutrient, and for good reason. Research shows that not only does vitamin…