Entries by Taylor Pulver

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5 Health Benefits of Eating Pumpkin

The moment the first leaf of the year turns orange, something incredible happens—pumpkins begin to appear. You walk out your door and everyone you know has a pumpkin latte in hand. Pumpkins spill out of big cardboard boxes in front of supermarkets and take center stage in every craft store display. Pumpkin spice, pumpkin pie, […]

Proglucamune™: Cope with the Effects of Everyday Stress

This morning, I and millions more were bumper-to-bumper on the highway, worried that we would be late to that early meeting. We carry our smartphones everywhere we go, allowing our work and worries to follow. There are so many things competing for our attention every minute of every day. We live in exciting, promising times, […]

Intermittent Fasting: The Science of Going Without

If you’ve recently had a conversation about dieting and weight management, then you’ve probably heard talk of intermittent fasting. But what is intermittent fasting? And is it healthy? Currently, this is quite an under-researched topic, with limited research in humans. In other words, the answer is a little complicated, but let’s break it down together. […]

Adventure Awaits: 5 Tips to Stay Active While Traveling

The summer heat has arrived and kids are running wild through the streets. The evenings are long and warm and perfect for sitting on the porch while you sip your favorite drink. And then suddenly you hear it—waves crashing on golden beaches, the hustle and bustle of a metropolitan street, the creaking trees and rippling […]

L’exemple concluant d’une mère en santé

Ma mère et son jardin La lourde odeur de la terre humide, la sensation des vignes épineuses qui m’égratignaient les doigts et les allers-retours à la course le long des rangées de pousses vertes tournées vers le soleil d’été. Ce sont là quelques-uns de mes plus lointains souvenirs d’enfance. Je les dois à ma mère […]