Can You Find USANA on The Dr. Oz Show?

USANA's Dave Wentz and Dr. Myron Wentz on stage with Dr. Oz at the Health and Happiness Summit

USANA's Dave Wentz and Dr. Myron Wentz on stage with Dr. Oz at the Health and Happiness Summit.

As you know, USANA’s Dave Wentz and Dr. Wentz were invited to participate in last month’s Health and Happiness Summit with Dr. Oz.

Ahead of the event, they — and several other USANA-related folks — were in the audience for a taping of The Dr. Oz Show.

The show is scheduled to air in the very near future. We want you to find USANA on the show for the chance to win some prizes!

There are two opportunities to win. Here’s what to do:

Watch The Dr. Oz Show (no-brainer, right?)

First Chance to Win…

We want to know the topic of the show in which Dave and Dr. Wentz attended.

The first person to comment on this post with the correct topic and correct air date wins a nifty USANA-themed prize!

Second Chance to Win…

Name people you spot in the audience who are in some way affiliated with USANA Corporate (there are many).

The person who comments here with the most correct names wins an even better USANA-themed prize (please list names of everyone you spotted in one post)! In the event of a tie, the person with the most correct names who comments first will win.

We’ll close the contest the day after the show airs. Good luck!

Be in the know! Follow USANA on Twitter and like our USANA Facebook page for the latest news and notes.

22 replies
  1. Carissa Hills
    Carissa Hills says:

    The Health and Happiness Summit on hidden household dangers and many more topics airs Monday April 23rd. I cannot wait!

  2. Randi Friedl
    Randi Friedl says:

    Dr. Oz was attracted by the book of Dave and Dr. Wentz and then he realized because he is a scientist that Usana and Dr. Oz are here for heath and prevention of Chronic disease, especially prevention of diabetes.. Dr. Oz has a foundation called, much like Americorps or the Peacecorps and that is a passion of his…. so it was an organic relationship which developed. Dr. Northrup a USANA associate was also on the panel and many USANA Diamond directors and Corporate members were there… It is airing on my 52nd Birthday… It is a great Birthday present! The law of attraction is at work again!

  3. Tim Haran
    Tim Haran says:

    @Carissa: We’re actually looking for the episode in which Dave, Dr. Wentz and other members of USANA were invited to be guests in the studio audience (right before the Health and Happiness Summit). So keep an eye out and see if you can spot them on camera.

    @Randi: Thank you for the comment… and happy birthday!!

    Hint for everyone: It should air one day this week.

    Good luck!

  4. Pat Birnie
    Pat Birnie says:

    Dr. Wentz, Dave Wentz, Dan Macuga and Kevin Guest are in the audience of the Dr. Oz show today! The topic is “What’s your Craziest Health Confession?”. Pretty cool!

  5. Tim Haran
    Tim Haran says:

    @Jonna: I’ll have to check with the judges, but I don’t believe Dr. Northrup or Collette were there.

    Keep the names coming. We’ll wrap up the contest mid-day Friday and announce a winner on Monday.

    It looks like @Carissa wins the first prize! How did you know so early?

    The 2nd chance to win is still up for grabs! The score to beat so far is @Pat’s 4.

  6. Linda Holmes
    Linda Holmes says:

    What’s your craziest Health Confession aired Thursday March 8th 2012.
    Dr Wentz, Dave wentz, Kevin Guest, Dan Macuga, Prudence, Christine Northrup.John & Suzanne Cunningham, Lori Mulhern.

  7. Khang Jack le
    Khang Jack le says:

    hi! there’s, Usana my 2nd Family?! wow.

    has it been such a long long long, time since I’ve been Around-

    Usana honestly?… it’s been such a long long road ahead for me.

    I’ve gone through so much, I totally totally love products from USANA’

    Plus I have a confession i really regret my accidental walking away from

    such a great great opportunity, i could of had but i know in my heart

    & My Mind at the time i wasn’t ready, yet spiritually but I’ve had

    sometime over the past few month’s & few years of My Life, I love

    You usana til this day I haven’t , stopped thinking of you & i will try my best

    my best to improve myself, My health & My overall wellbeing.

  8. Carissa Hills
    Carissa Hills says:

    Yeah!! I previwed his shows for the week on his website and some background clues led me to believe it was that certain show. Fun topic!
    Thank you, I love your contests!

  9. Tim Haran
    Tim Haran says:

    Thank you to everyone for participating! We hope you enjoyed seeing members of the USANA Family in the audience of The Dr. Oz Show.

    And now, for the winners!

    Congratulations to Carissa Hills, who was the first to correctly name the episode topic and air date. She wins a USANA shirt and Rev3 water bottle!

    Congratulations to Erika Hilliard, who was the first to correctly identify 5 USANA-related folks who attended the taping of The Dr. Oz Show. She wins a USANA backpack, a Rev3 water bottle, and a USANA hat.

    If you’re curious, here is the list of USANA-related people who were in the audience (courtesy of Dan Macuga):
    –Dan Macuga
    –Kevin Guest
    –Dave Wentz
    –Dr. Wentz
    –Prudence Conley
    –Dr. Denis Waitley
    –Dana Waitley
    –Cheryl McLelland (Shawn McLelland’s wife)

    I’ll be in touch with Carissa and Erika and the prize packs should be on their way shortly!


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