A Closer Look At The Man Behind USANA’s Social Media


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Nine years ago, USANA’s social media department was formed under the direction of Tim Haran. Back then, social media wasn’t even a glimmer in other direct selling companies’ eyes. He led the way, pioneering best practices, expanding into more and more social media platforms, and sharing USANA with an ever-growing and ever-changing audience.

Social Media team

Tim and the social media team at Convention 2015

About Tim

Tim Haran received a master’s degree in journalism from UC Berkeley and spent several years as a sports journalist and editor. When he formed the USANA social media department in 2008 through sheer force of will, he applied those journalistic skills of storytelling, interviewing, and video and audio editing to social media. It was all new…and he made it work.

Tim training associates at Convention.

Leading the Way

Tim spent time studying and learning from his successes, improving what worked and dropping what didn’t. He saw the future of social for USANA and built a vision of what it could be. He built strong relationships with Associates and employees alike to create a buzz around the activities of the entire social media team and to gain contributors who could add more perspective to the content that was being produced.

Less than a year after forming USANA’s social media presence, validation: Tim was awarded a Communicator Award for What’s Up, USANA? and received PR News’ PR Blogger of the Year award.

Tim’s sharp, analytical mind has continued to hone the skills of a growing social media staff to feed an expanding fan base. This helped establish the USANA brand online and has become a hugely effective avenue for connecting with Associates and customers alike.

Reflecting on Nine Years of Accolades and Total Dedication


  • Communicator Award, Social Media
  • PR News Digital Communicator of the Year
  • PR Blogger of the Year

Tim speaking at the PR News Digital PR Conference.


  • Communicator Award—Social Media Marketing Effectiveness


  • PR News Digital Communicator of the Year Finalist
  • Summit EMA Leader Award


  • Communicator Award—Best Business Blog
  • AVA Platinum Award—Creativity/Social Media Site


  • PR News—Social Media Team of the Year
  • PR News—What’s Up, USANA? Blog inducted into the Platinum Hall of Fame, alongside People Magazine, AT&T, Subway, and others
  • PR News—Social Media Professional of the Year


  • AVA—Blog
  • PR News—Social Media Icon, Instagram/Best Contest


  • AVA—Blog
  • Hermes Creative Awards—Blog
  • ABA Stevie—Web Writing/Content
  • MarCom Awards—Blog


  • AVA—Blog
  • Hermes Awards—Blog and Blog Design

Tim’s value to USANA and the USANA family cannot be overstated. Simply put, USANA’s social presence would not be what is it today without Tim, his vision, dedication, and leadership. And the centerpiece of our social media presence—What’s Up, USANA?—has been viewed more than 6,500,000 times. (!!!)

Just for Fun: Throwing it Back to 2009

[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3c37tJmHfs [/youtube]

The Next Chapter

While social media will continue to evolve and be a large part of the USANA experience, Tim has made the decision—heartbreaking to us all—to move on from his time with us. Rest assured that his influence will remain strong and present across our various platforms.

We are all better for having worked with him, and USANA’s social media presence is what it is today thanks to him. Although he will no longer be with us, what he’s built will stand the test of time. He’s made a lasting impact on this business and all of us as individuals, and for that, we want to say, simply:

Thank you, Tim. #timslastpost

Tim and Dan

4 replies
  1. Amy Haran
    Amy Haran says:

    I may be a bit biased, but I also had a front-row seat for what Tim has accomplished the past decade. He has poured his soul into both creating great content and helping Associates learn the ins and outs of social media. He’s grown and helped the company grow too. I’m so proud of all that he accomplished and can’t wait to see what his next “project” will be. Thanks for this great post, Ashley!

  2. gwen burnell
    gwen burnell says:

    I had to force myself to read this article in full because I can barely see and how we will function without him. You will be forever missed but never forgotten you. I wish you the absolute best and look forward to great things happening in your future

  3. Allie Henderson
    Allie Henderson says:

    Tim has been a huge asset to USANA and has made working here so much fun! Best of luck on your next adventure and thank for being such a great mentor and friend.


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