Business Owners: How to Harness the Power of WeChat
It’s no secret social media is changing the way we communicate. But have you ignored WeChat, a platform with 846 million monthly active users and 768 million daily users? As one of the top five social media platforms in the world (see…
Our First Social Media Ambassador Lounge: 5 Lessons Learned
Regular readers of What’s Up, USANA? (or followers of USANA on our social media sites) know that in late August the company held its annual International Convention. It’s an important and exciting four days filled with plenty of opportunities…
Business Owners: 5 Ways to Set Yourself Apart on Social Media
Each year, we recognize individuals who go above and beyond to help us spread our message on social media. Monitoring social media activity throughout the year and then honoring those who do it exceptionally well is a favorite part of my job.
The Power of Being Present: An Argument for Disconnecting
Show of hands: Who out there could completely disconnect from your smartphone, tablet, and computer for 24 hours? How about a full seven days in the interest of being present?
Think about it: A week without email, texting, Facebook, Instagram,…
Comment gérer le temps passé sur les réseaux sociaux (EU-FR)
Bien qu’ils soient renommés pour leur efficacité en tant qu’outils de communication, les médias sociaux ont aussi la réputation, qui n’est pas complètement injustifiée, d’être une colossale perte de temps.
Est-ce que ceci…