5 Steps to Create Your Own USANA Family

Aside from the basic necessities, we all crave the same thing — someone who understands us, and a place to belong. That longing is what drove 8-Star Diamond Director Cecilia Li to create Gen YVR. Thanks to her efforts — combined with Silver Director Kevin Hsu, another Gen Y Associate in the Vancouver area — hundreds of Associates have now found a home in USANA.

When the two joined forces, they decided that instead of just building a business, they wanted to form a community. They planned activities, such as bowling and a barbeque on the beach, hoping people would really get to know one another on a deeper level. The idea took off and they saw connections form as their teams developed a real sense of community — and Gen YVR was born.

Gen YVR Slider family

What started as a few Associates getting to know one another has now evolved into a tight-knit group of nearly 200 Associates who do almost everything together. The members of Gen YVR have gotten so close, in fact, that they think of themselves as a family. “We all support each other … and though we may all have different dreams, we all share the same vision,” said Silver Director Chrystal Ho. “We’re all excited and happy and fun!”

From online chats to Christmas dinners, Gen YVR are always working together on something — including building their businesses. Thanks to the Optimal You Lifestyle Workshops, a collaboration similar to the Health & Freedom presentation created by members of the group, the teams can combine their strengths to help others catch the USANA vision. The seminar also helps each Associate build vital leadership and presentation skills — boosting their confidence in the process.

Gen YVR 2 familyBy working together and sharing their knowledge, each member has discovered their own niche and unique way of building their business. Silver Director Steve Yu carried his USANA water bottle with him as he toured Europe, taking pictures of it in front of all the major tourist sites. This caught the attention of several people, opening the door for Steve to build an international business.

Achiever Emmanuel Carino spreads the word about USANA through social media. He posts pictures of snowboarding or skateboarding on Facebook and Instagram — along with a can of Rev3 Energy®, of course — and lets the picture do all the talking. “People start liking my pictures and asking questions and it just opens it up,” he said. Emmanuel is now putting his Gen YVR skills to work, along with Achiever Dan Raymundo, to establish a USANA Filipino Community.

Although the group was slow to start, the connections that have formed are deep and lasting. Cecilia had a difficult time finding a starting ground but has since discovered that reaching out to other Associates and working together doubles the fun and success. For those who may be struggling to establish their own team, she offers some advice:

  1. Gen YVR 4Don’t give up: Starting a new group can be difficult and frustrating in the beginning, but you have to push through it and keep going. Everything good in life is worth working for.
  2. Reach out: You don’t have to do it all on your own. Contact other Associates and leaders in the area and work together; after all, there is strength in numbers. Share ideas and find new ways to take your business even further.
  3. Get in touch: These days, social media is crucial. It provides a common place to post events, start a conversation, get to know one another, and share ideas. Get online and start taking advantage of all the amazing tools to spread the word about USANA and connect your team.
  4. Make it fun: Don’t just focus on business, but work to create real bonds with your team members. Plan exciting activities, like barbeques, picnics, and game nights. Open up and be yourself. You’ll be surprised how much you all have in common.
  5. Live it: Try to incorporate USANA into your everyday life. If you can’t live it, you can’t really be successful at it. Your business and your life will be better when they work harmoniously.

Those efforts have certainly paid off for the Vancouver group as they continue to grow and advance. “I see Gen YVR as a mini snowball that’s just getting formed,” said Steve. “We’re just a little snowball right now, but once we start rolling down the hill, no one is stopping us — we’re going to keep on going and getting bigger and bigger.”

Gen YVR 3 family

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4 replies
  1. Azon Aquino
    Azon Aquino says:

    can I join and build my on team? meaning I don not want to have my upline or superior because I will be creating a new team… (from Philippines)


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