Whey Protein Powder

Fact or Fiction: Protein is Only for Strength Training

Throughout the winter, I was focusing more of my energy on weight training in order to 'bulk up,' and I’d like to think a lot of my recent progress in the muscle department has to do with my protein consumption. I watch my fat, carb, and…
Top 10 Inside Beauty TIps

Inside Beauty: A Look Back At My Top 10 Beauty Tips

If you’re not familiar with What’s Up USANA’s Inside Beauty blog posts, you’re seriously missing out. We’ve covered everything from what it takes to look (and feel) your best in the scorching heat to the mind-blowing benefits of USANA’s…

Making the Most Out of Every Minute

For USANA New Zealand Ambassador and Preferred Customer Catriona Williams, every day is a gift. “In life, we aren’t here very long, so I want to make the most out of every minute and inspire others to do exactly the same,” she says. Catriona…

What is a Healthy Heart Rate?

You may already know some heart health basics, but it’s possible that some of the details remain a mystery. It’s common knowledge that your heart is beating 24/7 to pump blood through your body, but what is a healthy heart rate? What is…
Weight Heart Health

How Does Weight Affect Heart Disease?

February is heart health month. If you are like many, the determination of a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and be healthier may already be starting to wane. The following should give your resolve to lose or maintain a healthy weight…

Proflavanol C100 peut aider à protéger les bons radicaux libres*

Pour la santé cardiovasculaire, tout repose sur le relâchement des vaisseaux sanguins, un processus nommé vasodilatation. C’est ce qui contrôle la circulation sanguine, la tension artérielle, et qui assure que le sang parvient au bout…