USANA Associates in Malaysia Take Action

As a Global Premier Partner and “Official Health Supplement Supplier of the WTA," USANA and the WTA have shared a productive and healthy partnership since 2006. The current sponsorship agreement lasts through 2016. The WTA enjoys popularity…

Body Benefits of Cardio with Kathy

It's Heart Health Month, so we asked our fitness guru, Kathy Kaehler, what the benefits of cardio exercise are and the best ways we can target the heart to get results our entire body will love. Here's what she had to say... Body Benefits…
Recipe Contest

From the USANA Test Kitchen: Recipe Contest

Español | Français | 中國 The #RESETNATION challenge is well underway and since some of you may be getting bored with your snacks and shakes, we came up with an idea to keep you motivated and help you finish strong. Share your best…
Recipe Contest


#RESETNATION大挑戰正在如火如荼地進行,而由於有些人可能逐漸對點心和奶昔感到乏味,所以我們想出了一個點子來讓您持續保持動力,幫助您堅強地完成競賽。 請和我們分享您最拿手的USANA食譜,這不僅能讓您贏得一些美好的獎品,還可以在What’s…
Recipe Contest

En direct de la cuisine d’essai d’USANA : un concours de recettes

Le défi de nation #RESETNATION bat son plein et comme certains commencent sans doute à en avoir assez des casse-croûte et boissons fouettées, nous avons songé à un moyen de vous garder motivés et de vous aider à finir en beauté. En…
Recipe Contest

Desde la cocina experimental de USANA: Concurso de recetas

El reto #RESETNATION está en pleno desarrollo y como tal vez algunos de ustedes ya se están aburriendo de sus colaciones y malteadas, se nos ocurrió una idea para mantenerlos motivados y ayudarles a terminar con fuerza. ¡Compartan su…