Communicating with Teens

The Dos and Don’ts of Communicating with Teens

I’ve been the mother of a teenager now for the past three years, and believe me, I am no expert in communicating with teens. But, I have learned some very valuable lessons. If you have a teen, you know how hard it is to talk to these adorable…
Beginner Running Tips

Running 101: Tips for the Beginner

Your Training Plan Before we dive into these step-by-step beginner running tips, it should be noted these will work just as well if you're already a moderately-skilled runner. So if you're thinking about running a 10K, a half marathon, or…
USANA Supplements

Qu’y a-t-il dans vos compléments alimentaires? Vérification par une tierce partie

USANA ne se contente que du meilleur. Nos compléments alimentaires se soumettent aux normes de qualité les plus strictes à toutes les étapes de fabrication. Notre équipe de recherche et développement continuer d’améliorer nos produits…
USANA Supplements


USANA從未放棄對品質的追求。我們的營養補充品在製造過程中的每一個步驟,都堅持最高的質量標準。我們的研究發展團隊持續改善我們的產品,以確保我們能保持領先。 雖然USANA的產品很棒,但如果沒有第三方的認證,意義也不大。幸好,有許多受敬重的機構檢測過我們的標準、設備和產品,發現我們真的名副其實。 第三方認證 USANA獲得®的第三方認證。USANA最近獲得ConsumerLab.com認證的產品有:USANA®基本營養素™、視力寶、USANA®益生菌、心臟寶30、健骼寧和活力奧米加™。 USANA的生產設備在NSF…
USANA Supplements

Qué contienen sus suplementos: Verificación de terceros

USANA no se conforma más que con lo mejor. Nuestros suplementos cumplen con los estándares de calidad más elevados posibles en cada paso del proceso de manufactura, y nuestro equipo de investigación y desarrollo siempre está mejorando nuestros…
Heart Health

Supplement Spotlight: USANA Loves Heart Health Month

Did you know February is American Heart Health Month? It seems only fitting that the month we see so many fun Valentine hearts floating around is also the month we are asked to remember the physical state of our hearts by being more health…