
Nutricionales USANA y línea MySmartFoods: La solución inteligente para alcanzar sus objetivos de nutrición.

  Ya sé que está muy emocionado por la llegada de la nueva línea de alimentos MySmart™Foods de USANA. Y ni trate de negarlo, porque lo vi en la Convención devorando con la mirada todos los optimizadores de sabor y tratando de decidir…

25 RESET Winners Drop Nearly 1,300 Pounds

The road to Sanoviv was paved with dedication, commitment, and a whole bunch of shed weight. In our last RESET Challenge* (before we move to MySmart™Start), our final class of winners spanned from Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,…

Pourquoi les produits MySmartFoods d’USANA sont-ils un choix smart?

Les aliments nous gardent en vie. Les bons aliments nous aident à nous accomplir. Devant la multitude de choix, il peut être difficile d'opter pour les bons aliments. Et si le choix le plus smart était aussi le plus facile à faire? C'est…
Social Media Tip - Be Present

The Power of Being Present: An Argument for Disconnecting

Show of hands: Who out there could completely disconnect from your smartphone, tablet, and computer for 24 hours? How about a full seven days in the interest of being present? Think about it: A week without email, texting, Facebook, Instagram,…
fitness trackers

Healthy Habits: Unexpected Benefits of Fitness Trackers

Everyone knows that fitness trackers track steps. In fact, those little pieces of plastic are notorious for making seemingly normal people pace around in circles while watching their step counter go up. But fitness trackers are much more…


您辦公室裡最好的朋友認為,用微波爐加熱食物會破壞營養。 一位有著大塊二頭肌的健美先生,在健身房努力舉重,想著今晚的晚餐一定要有:蛋白質、蛋白質、更多的蛋白質。他認為,這是唯一獲得理想身材的途徑。 您有一位熱衷研究動物標本的鄰居,認為他有資格給別人飲食和健身的建議。 關於健康的話題,從來都不乏道聽塗說的虛假信息,特別是營養補充品。您如何能分辨這些來自朋友、同事和網絡上「專家」們提供的信息的真假? 這次,我們來幫您分析一下,這些傳說中關於營養補充品的謠言到底是真是假。 謠言…