Supplement Spotlight: Let’s Talk About Procosa

What Dad Really Wants - ProcosaTaking care of your joints is crucial, even if you aren’t experiencing any issues right now. As we age, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain joint health, and I don’t know about you, but I ain’t gettin’ any younger, people!

I guess it’s a good thing I include Procosa® as one of the Optimizers in my personalized MyHealthPak™. This glucosamine supplement is great for supporting and maintaining healthy joint function. As an avid runner, it will always remain a staple in my nutritional regimen. That’s why I thought it’d be interesting to take a closer look at Procosa and its interactions with the body.

And I was totally right—it was super interesting! Take a look at the information I dug up!

jointsWhat are Joints?

Before we get into the details, it’s important to understand exactly what a joint is and how it works.

There are 206 bones in the average adult body, and all but one are joined to at least one other bone. It’s not like a bone resting directly against another one either—they need protection. This protection comes from our joints, which act as a meeting point or cushion between our bones.

Synovial joints, or moving joints, are highly engaged during exercise. They account for 90 percent of all joints in the body, and they’re made up of bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and synovial fluid. Synovial fluid is important because it helps to increase cartilage density and elasticity.

You can see that joints actually serve a huge purpose, which is why it’s important to take action now and start taking care of them.

Key Ingredients

Let’s talk about glucosamine, because it’s pretty important when it comes to maintaining joint health. Glucosamine is an amino sugar, and it’s an important precursor in the production of cartilage. Trust me, healthy cartilage production is crucial, because cartilage acts as a shock absorber and stops bones from grinding together. And unfortunately, as we age, cartilage can become thinner and our bodies have a harder time maintaining cartilage health.

procosaGlucosamine is also a building block of proteoglycans—protein molecules that are essential for healthy cartilage because they bind the water that lubricates and cushions the joints.

Lastly, another cool thing about the glucosamine that’s found in Procosa is that it’s vegetarian friendly. You see, most glucosamine supplements are derived from crab shells and chitin found in shrimp, making it difficult for vegetarians to find a joint supplement that’s right for them. The glucosamine HCl in Procosa is derived from Aspergillus niger, making it an excellent choice for any vegetarian.

Another great ingredient for joint health is curcumin—the principal curcuminoid of the Indian spice turmeric. Problem is, curcumin is rarely soluble in water or oily solvents which results in poor bioavailability.

A solution to this problem comes in the form of Meriva®, a delivery form of curcumin with lecithin. Meriva has been shown to increase the hydrolytical stability of curcumin and to increase the oral absorption of curcuminoids by nearly 30 fold.

Essentially, Meriva is an innovative phytosome that allows for dramatically improved bioavailability and absorption, making it an ideal pairing for glucosamine. Oh, and wouldn’t you know…it’s also found in Procosa.

Key Exercises

Besides including specific nutrients in your diet, certain exercises can also help keep your joints healthy. Even something simple, like stretching, is important. You should try and do some type of stretching daily, or at least three times a week. Be careful though, because stretching a cold muscle won’t help and can even cause more damage to your muscles and joints. It’s a good idea to do a light warm up before stretching to loosen up your joints.

walk bike swimThe best types of exercises for joints are low-impact activities like walking, bicycling, and swimming. If you’re not careful, certain high-impact exercises can jar or pound your joints too aggressively, causing cartilage damage. The same goes for weight lifting. While it’s important to strengthen the muscles around your joints to reduce stress on them, you shouldn’t overdo it. Stick to lighter weights and do more reps, gradually working up to more challenging weights over time.

You should also focus on keeping a strong core. Having stronger abs and back muscles helps with your balance, and with increased balance, you’re less likely to damage your joints with falls or other injuries.

Keep Moving

If you do nothing else to help your joints, do just two things: take your Procosa every day, and simply move more. Even if you’re not exercising, moving your joints as much as possible throughout the day is key. The more you move, the less stiffness you’ll have. If you’re sitting at a desk all day, take time to get up every now and then to take short walks or climb a few flights of stairs. Our bodies were meant to move and work on a daily basis, so the longer you remain in a fixed position, the more likely you are to suffer from sore muscles or joints.


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Cuomo J, Appendino G, Dern AS, Schneider E, McKinnon TP, Brown MJ, Togni S, Dixon BM. Comparative absorption of a standardized curcuminoid mixture and its lecithin formulation. J Nat Prod. 2011 Apr 25;74(4):664-9. doi: 10.1021/np1007262. Epub 2011 Mar 17.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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2 replies
  1. Remedies C. Mananghaya
    Remedies C. Mananghaya says:

    I am taking Procosa for almost 3 months now and I feel a great change in the strength of my knees without stress. I am now in my 79 year this year.


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