Tea vs. Coffee: Which is the Better Choice?

Coffee vs. Tea

Tea vs. CoffeeI’ve worked at USANA for more than four years now, and in that time I’ve transitioned from a non-caffeine advocate to a casual tea drinker…and finally…a full-on coffee-crazed employee. (Calm down, Rev3 fans. Just keep reading before you start cursing my name.)

All of this got me thinking: both coffee and tea are low on calories and sugar, and each is associated with different health benefits. So, is one better for you than the other?

As usual, the Internet answered some of my questions (still can’t figure out what this rash on my face is though), and now I’m going to share them with you.

Tea vs. CoffeeTea Time

Okay, so when we talk about tea drinking, let’s be clear: if it’s a super sweet iced tea you bought at the gas station, it is not healthy.

We’re focusing on freshly-brewed teas, including green, black, and white tea. All of these are derived from the Camellia sinensis plant, a shrub native to China and India.

What’s super neat about these teas is they all contain flavonoids, which is something we talk about at USANA all the time. Flavanoids are these cool antioxidants that have been found to fight off free radicals, which can sometimes lead to what’s known as oxidative stress. And if this stress sticks around too long, it may lead to oxidative damage to our cells.

These teas also contain caffeine, but each one mentioned has a different amount. White and green tea contain lesser amounts of caffeine compared to black tea, which has the highest amount amongst teas.

Room for Cream and Sugar?

Speaking of caffeine, let’s move on to some coffee talk. (*eye twitches*)

Tea vs. CoffeeDid you know that more than 400 billion cups of coffee are consumed every year? So it has to be good for you, right?

The answer is maybe. Let’s discuss.

So just like tea, coffee has hardly any calories per serving. But unlike tea, many coffee drinkers throw in cream, sugar, or “basic,” trendy flavors like pumpkin spice and peppermint mocha. Depending on what horrifying combination of flavors someone combines in their coffee cup, the potential to make your morning beverage a piping-hot cup of unhealthy is pretty likely.

But hey, maybe you’re like me. The blacker, stronger, and bolder the coffee, the better. Black coffee also contains a substantial amount of antioxidants and other nutrients—just like the ones we talked about with tea.

Just remember not to overdo it with the coffee consumption. More than two or three cups daily may increase blood pressure, especially in those with borderline or high readings.

Another Way to ‘Rev’ Your Engine

Sorry for the bad pun, but any of you familiar with USANA probably know we’ve got a delicious alternative to tea or coffee. It’s called Rev3 Energy®, and it’s an energy drink I absolutely love.Team RevRun

Want the scoop on why I think Rev3 is better than all those other energy drinks crammed with sugar and fake ingredients?

To start, Rev3 has a crisp, natural pomegranate taste that comes from natural ingredients. It’s unique among common energy drinks, because it has no artificial flavors, no artificial sweeteners, and no artificial colors.

The energy part of Rev3 is provided by naturally-derived caffeine from a blend of teas for improved mental alertness and stamina. It also includes additional vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support energy metabolism at the cellular level.*

So you obviously agree with me that Rev3 is the cat’s pajamas, right? It’s totally the bee’s knees. It’s basically the mo…Okay, I’ll stop.

Let’s just say that Rev3 is cleaner, smarter, and stronger.

The Conclusion

So when it comes to the great coffee/tea debate, there really is no solid answer. (Sorry for the lack of a dramatic reveal.)

As always, maintain a balanced diet rich in healthy macro and micronutrients. And when you need a little pick-me-up, feel free to go for coffee, tea, or Rev3. Just remember to keep everything to a healthy moderation. AKA: don’t overdo it!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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2 replies
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