Entries by Camille Fletcher

Supplement Spotlight: MyHealthPak is Uniquely You

You are unique. You deserve a supplement pack that meets your needs. MyHealthPak™ gives you a personalized approach to health that makes it easy to get the nutrition you want every day. It could be a perfect fit for your busy lifestyle. Consider… How many bottles of nutritional supplements do you have on your kitchen […]

Sorry, No Rabbits, But the Choline in Hepasil DTX is Magical

Unless you’ve managed to somehow lead a fulfilling life while ensconced in a bubble, chances are you are exposing your body’s cells to an assortment of toxins every day. And every day those ick-tacular substances blaze a path through your body straight to your liver. Your liver then goes to work breaking everything down and […]


What Can You Do Powered by USANA?

Sometimes, when you are working to accomplish something that seems impossible, the extra push you need is an encouraging supporter. USANA empowers individuals to become the best version of themselves through helping them develop physical health and inner strength, supporting them as they discover within the power to reach any goal. It was with this […]


USANA Team RevRun Faces Ragnar

What do 12 people in two vans do for fun around Northern Utah? Why, they take turns running through hot days and cold nights while surrounded by beautiful mountainous terrain, of course! A few of us at USANA are just crazy enough to think that this sounds like a wonderful way to spend a couple […]