Announcing the True Knowledge Book Club

The USANA Management Team is now connecting with you in a way never done before — the True Knowledge Book Club. Each month we’ll introduce a book that we feel will help you progress both personally and professionally. A member of the Management Team will then lead a discussion about the book, looking to you for your input. Watch the video below to learn more about this exciting project, and visit the True Knowledge Book Club Forum and tell us what you think. We look forward to your comments.


If you can’t view this video, please click here.

*USANA Health Sciences, Inc. does not accept/receive monetary compensation for any of the books or authors highlighted via the True Knowledge Book Club.

28 replies
  1. Marie
    Marie says:

    This is a beautiful example of living the convention theme of “You” – for the betterment of all…

    Love that you are offering this and so look forward to discussing!

  2. Frank Conlin
    Frank Conlin says:

    I want to promote others and myself that I am never too old or fully informed to learn more and expand my knowledge.

  3. Fiona Clayton-Law
    Fiona Clayton-Law says:

    Brilliant idea! I’m a reader and this is one I haven’t read…looking forward to it. It’s fantastic that if the book isn’t in the shops we can just kindle it til it arrives (I prefer to read book than computer screen) – it means we have no excuse to be left behind waiting for it to arrive. (Amazon can take ages to NZ)

  4. Shauna Farver
    Shauna Farver says:

    Just love this idea! Another great way for all of us to connect, and be on the same ‘page’ … working towards a common USANA vision. One more example of the amazing support USANA corporate gives to their associates– helping us grow our businesses, AND grow as people! Thanks!

  5. Lita Mae
    Lita Mae says:

    This is an AWESOME idea, to stimulate and grow amazing ideas. Look forward to learning from and contributing to the ongoing discussions.

  6. Tony Vega
    Tony Vega says:

    I think its a great idea Kevin ! , thank you for share it,
    personally we really like Jhon C. Maxwell books, it was the very first high value book me and my wife read , I remember that one the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership and workbook, helped me a lot !

    Thank you Kevin, we will join the book club and start now reading “developing the leader with in you” — Gina & Tony

  7. Susanne
    Susanne says:

    Toronto XRC theme is Leadership. Read this excellent book and attend the Toronto XRC and then act on your learning. Bringing goals to reality. Thank you USANA for showing your attention to developing leadership.

  8. Rosie Bank
    Rosie Bank says:

    Fabulous, Kevin! This is a great book and a great idea. I am behind you and will help you spread the word. Can’t wait to hear John Maxwell at Convention. I am a huge fan already.

  9. Liesbeth van Eerten
    Liesbeth van Eerten says:

    What a wonderful idea! Leadership is so vital to success and fulfillment in life. What a great place to start.

  10. Jeremy Wisner
    Jeremy Wisner says:

    Great idea! I’m a little late getting on this, but will be making up for lost time. Have set a personal goal of completing TWO books a month, as well as contributing to every meeting I attend, so this will encourage me to deliver on both of those! This industry is about nothing if not self-development, so this is a great initiative from corporate.

  11. Janet I Mueller
    Janet I Mueller says:

    I absolutely love your idea! A book club is a terrific way to share, educate and bring people to together. John C Maxwell, is one of my personal favorites, and the Godfather of leadership. I agree leadership and learning go hand in hand.
    I was first introduced to John’s books over a decade ago. Blessed are those who learn from John, I admire his teaching’s and will often write about them on my blog.
    USANA I love what you are doing, looks like you already have some incredible leadership in place 🙂

    • amoy joyce
      amoy joyce says:

      Oh this is very exciting! thank you for the opportunity to be part of this forum, I love to read, it challenges me to stay on a regular schedule, however this will be an excellent opportunity for me to stay focus. I will download on my Kindle and do my best to stay committed. at the moment I am reading the Compassionate Samurai and another. Oh Boy ! I shall be so intelligent!! I can’t wait ! 🙂


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