Associates Improving Health on Many Levels
Congratulations to Brittany Fonoimoana, D Paige Bradford-Hughes, Judy McGladrey Knight, Lorena Mabley and Nicole Yelle, winners of the Christiane Northrup’s Mother-Daughter Wisdom: Understanding the Crucial Link Between Mothers, Daughters, and Health. They were randomly chosen from a pool of 150 entries.
In conjunction with the giveaway, we asked people to respond to the following question: “Besides using USANA supplements, what are you doing to improve the health of you and your family?” Below are just a few of the great responses we received. Thanks to everyone who participated, and make sure to check back soon for yet another great giveaway.
Russell Blumer — Working out at the gym as well as golfing, it is roughly 10,000 plus steps for 9 holes of golf and can do this with my family, every one benefits.
Erika Hilliard — This is the one book I have been wanting to read! Having two daughter who are my pride and joy, it makes me want to be better and healthier so I can be an example. That was not the example my mother gave me. Besides our entire family taking the USANA supplements, exercise is a must as well as eating healthy meals TOGETHER!
Jeff Pascual — Taking a brisk walk sometimes near the beach… at least you also get bonding time with together
Paul Rohatensky —How inspirational! It was my mother who had inspired me to pursue a healthy lifestyle through better nutrition. As my mother and I stood by my father, recovering from his first of three bypass operations, she had said, “Paul, sometimes your food looks better in the garbage than it does on you!” Hearing those words, when I was just 18 years old, was a pivotal moment, that has stuck with me all these years. To me, this means we should not be picky, but we cannot afford not to be selective with what we put into our bodies.
In addition to supplementation, I have several “kitchen essentials” that I try to include in our family’s daily intake. These include: garlic, oregano and cayenne pepper, which will usually go into anything I cook, including eggs, pasta sauce, curry and soups; cinnamon in our Nutrimeal, yogurt and fruit smoothies; and an assortment of fresh, or frozen berries, including blackberries, raspberries and blueberries. If there was an 80/20 rule when it comes to health, I believe it would be 80% nutrition and 20% fitness. Even when we are not working out or participating in sports, our bodies need good nutrition.
Mother/Son Wisdom, indeed!
Sherry Treiber — Besides using Usana supplements daily, we are also spending more time outside getting our vitamin D (thank you Lyle MacWilliam), eating more low glycemic foods (yay for Nutrimeal shakes, bars and Rev 3!) and working on getting more restful sleep (thank you Dr. Ladd McNamara). These are so very important!
Also – Dr. Christiane Northrup rocked @ Convention last year! Can’t WAIT to hear her again. Love reading her posts in Facebook. Looking forward to reading this book. My grown daughters and an almost daughter-in-law and I will share it all.
Lora Ulrich — In addition to our family using USANA’s supplements, we incorporate healthy eating plan, moderate exercise, plenty of water, proper reset and a happy, healthy mindset. I love seeing our granddaughters being taught a healthy lifestyle by our daughter and our 6yr old granddaughter loves taking her USANA too.
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(Thanks for your post Laura–we share some things!)
I will re-read this wonderful book, which I have had for several years. My daughter, too, has done a fabulous job with nutrition, happy outlook, and other excellent mental and physical health practices with her kids. We’ve all been on USANA supplements for 8-9 years, including her taking them through 2 pregnancies and breast feeding. So, the Kindergartener got the Essentials and Biomega first from his mom, then his own Usanimals. The 6-month-old, still gets Essentials/Biomega through mom, but has recently been enthusiastically wanting/trying some fresh foods–first came avocado, then bananas, yams, a bit of whole-grain, natural baby cereal mixed with breast milk. Very little, if any, processed stuff for this family. They live right on Vancouver, BC’s, False Creek and walk everywhere. Here’s to great family health! And thank you, Dr. Northrup, for writing your book!
Oops! Sorry. That’s “Lora!”