#USANA14: My 5 Memorable Moments. What Are Yours?

Photo Credit: Nick Kelly

Photo Credit: Nick Kelly

Social media is most fun, for me at least, when thousands — on site and around the world — are participating.

We haven’t crunched the numbers yet but anecdotally, participation appeared to be at an all-time high during the just-completed 2014 USANA International Convention (#USANA14).

If you’re reading this now, chances are you were one of those enthusiastic participants. And for that, I’d like to offer my sincere thanks.

#USANA14 wouldn’t have been nearly as fun or rewarding without you following along on Twitter, sharing your Instagram pics, watching our somewhat silly antics on USANA Live, or interacting with us elsewhere on social media.

#USANA14: 5 Memorable Moments

Each year (this is my seventh international convention), I like to reflect on the event and share my memorable moments with What’s Up, USANA? readers.

So much happened at #USANA14 that I couldn’t possibly take it all in. That’s why my memorable moments might not necessarily be yours.

But the great thing about social media, is that each of you has a voice — an opportunity to share your most memorable moments. Please share in the comments!

USANAselfie - #USANA14

The #USANAselfie craze took #USANA14 by storm!

1. #USANAselfie

If one thing defined #USANA14 from a social media point of view, it has to be the #USANAselfie campaign.

Selfie WinnersYou might not realize this, but the genesis of the idea actually came straight from the top. That’s right, USANA CEO Dave Wentz thought it would be cool to plaster social media with USANA selfies.

We wholeheartedly agreed and aimed to make it something fun that would unite #USANA14 attendees. Needless to say, it worked. And would you believe Dr. Wentz even took a selfie from the main stage?!

About 4,500 #USANAselfie images were uploaded to Instagram and Twitter between Aug. 23-29.

An esteemed panel selected its favorites and awarded exclusive prize packs to five creative individuals. Here are the grand prize-winning photos (and here are the three runners-up.)

Social Media Mobile - #USANA14

2. Social Media Mobile

We hitched our giveaways to a wagon this year, and we think it turned out pretty well.

Boyd Bastian, USANA’s social media and online reputation strategist, roamed about the Salt Palace and EnergySolutions Arena with the all-new Social Media Mobile, giving away t-shirts, pins and Celebration Zone wristbands.

Victor and Chrystal, two of our 2014 USANA Social Media Ambassadors.

Victor and Chrystal, two of our 2014 USANA Social Media Ambassadors.

Look for the wagon at future USANA events, including #USANA15!

3. Social Media Ambassadors

This goes without saying, but our Social Media Ambassadors are a big reason why USANA’s social media program is so successful.

For the second year, we honored our top 250 Ambassadors with special buttons and a BIG thanks for helping us spread our message across social.

If you think you have what it takes to be one of our Social Media Ambassadors for next year, please follow along and keep an eye out for our call for nominations.

4. Digital Tools Enhancements

I spoke to several people throughout #USANA14 who said that the enhancements to USANA’s digital tools could be a game-changer.

A customizable back office, fresh and exciting personal web pages, a robust media center complete with social media sharing capabilities, and more! It’s an exciting time and I can’t wait to see it.

The official launch is scheduled for October, though #USANA14 attendees did get to take the tools for a spin last week.

#USANA14, Tony Robbins, Libby Weaver, Dr. Oz

5. Big-Name Speakers

I cheated a little here because I couldn’t decide on my absolute most memorable speaker from #USANA14. Plus, I didn’t have a chance to see them all. But I saw on social media that each speaker resonated with at least one segment of the #USANA14 audience.

The fact that USANA brought to a single event Tony Robbins, Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Libby Weaver, Stacey Allaster, Brendon Burchard, Jen Groover, Denis Waitley, Dr. Wentz and so many more, speaks volumes.

Ambassador Button - #USANA14What a lineup!

Thank You!

Thank you everyone for joining us either in person or virtually. Don’t forget to register for our free webinar on Sept. 10 We’ll talk a little about #USANA14 and answer your questions about social media.

If you have questions you’d like us to answer, please leave them in the comments of this blog post.

#USANA14 Social Media Team

The #USANA14 Social Media Team signs off from another successful event!

We’re proud to bring you the freshest content on the web! Follow USANA on Twitter, like our USANA Facebook page and enjoy the latest videos on the official USANA YouTube channel.

USANA True Health FoundationLearn what USANA is doing to make the world a better place.

The future of personalized health and nutrition is now available with USANA’s True Health Assessment.

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2 replies
  1. Skip Kanester
    Skip Kanester says:

    You all did such an incredible job this year, and how cool is it that Dave came up with the USANAselfie idea? I am SO in the right place with my USANA family! I think my biggest takeaway mantra from convention was from Dewitt Jones when he said, “What’s here for me to fall in love with? What the next right thing to do?” There is so much for me to stay in love with here and consequently, I know the next right thing to do. All the best and I look forward to seeing you again soon amigo.


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