7 Popular Beauty Apps To Try Today

7 Popular Beauty Apps To Try Today // What's Up, USANA?

7 Popular Beauty Apps To Try Today // What's Up, USANA?

Technology is booming…and in today’s world you can find an app for just about anything: learning, sleeping, dating, exercising, and even translating your cat’s meows to English (yes, that’s a thing).

With so many apps—all with different benefits—how can you find those that are worthy of your time and attention? After all, phone space is sacred and you don’t want to waste valuable space with useless apps.

If healthy skin—and healthy living in general—is something you value, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve combed through the most popular beauty apps and narrowed them down to our top seven.

Think Dirty

With this app you scan your beauty items bar codes to learn about any possible harmful ingredients they may contain.

Price: Free

7 Popular Beauty Apps To Try Today // What's Up, USANA?WaterMinder

This app is simple. Throughout the day, this app will remind you to drink enough water to stay hydrated.

Price: $1.99



This app connects with board-certified US dermatologists. The visit costs $40 and includes an analysis, customized treatment plan, and 30-day follow-up messaging.

Price: Free

Sleep Cycle7 Popular Beauty Apps To Try Today // What's Up, USANA?

This is a smart alarm clock that analyzes your sleep patterns and determines the perfect time to wake you up so you feel relaxed and well-rested.

Price: $1.99 and up


For those people struggling with acne or need tips to handle your pimples, this app give you video tutorials on how to prevent acne breakouts, analyzes your skin, and even plans a daily skin care routine.

Price: Free

7 Popular Beauty Apps To Try Today // What's Up, USANA?

Stop, Breathe & Think

Ok, so this app isn’t exactly about skin, but it’s a popular belief that de-stressing can have a positive effect on your skin. Take a few minutes a day with this app to get centered.

Price: Free

Skin Care 101

This app is great if you need to understand your skin type, learn about how wrinkles are formed, and tips on how to care for your skin type.

Price: $2.99

I’m sure many of you reading this have similar apps on your phone already, and that’s great! Share your favorites in the comments for other readers to check out.

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