Entries by Missy Bird

USANA Test Kitchen: Heart-Healthy Lasagna Roll-Ups

The term “heart-healthy” doesn’t necessarily conjure thoughts of delicious food. But I’m going to help turn that around. Even incorporating a few heart-healthy foods into your diet can make a big impact on your health — and they can taste good, too. Since it’s American Heart Month — and Valentine’s Day is right around the […]

USANA Test Kitchen: Rev3 Pomegranate Gelatin

Fun fact: Jell-O is the unofficial state snack of Utah. And not just any Jell-O — lime Jell-O with crushed pineapple or carrots. It was even featured on a highly sought pin for the 2002 Winter Olympics. Yes, it’s that iconic — and strange. That’s probably why you’ll find a gelatin dish of some sort […]

Infographic: 6 Ways to Stay Happy this Season

When I admit I like winter, I’m met with ice-cold glares. My coworkers obviously don’t share the same sentiment. In my defense, I was born in winter so I really don’t mind the cold and snow—except if I have to drive in it. Still, I understand why most don’t like the short, dark days. It’s […]

Infographic: The Workout Behind Your Holiday Meal

The next time you sit down for a big holiday meal, pause for a second. Look at all the tasty food. And when you take each bite, savor it. Because even though these meals are only a few times a year, and they taste delicious, the calorie count can soar really quickly. But no one […]

USANA Test Kitchen: Baked Cinnamon Apples

Pumpkin gets all the attention this time of year—especially in desserts. And while I do love a tasty gourd, my other seasonal favorite, the apple, also deserves a shot in the spotlight. I take the whole, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” quite literally. Every afternoon around 2:30, you’ll hear me munching on […]

Infographic: Women’s Health Issues

Talking about health — especially as we age — can be tough. It’s so tough I had a difficult time researching the statistics for various diseases. But I came to realize that knowledge is power, especially when it comes to our health. And October is a great time to look at women’s health issues since […]