USANA12: Superheroes Abound at Champions for Change 5K
Everyday superheroes strapped on their tights, secured their masks and tightened their capes for the first USANA Champions for Change 5K.
About 2,500 participants awoke early on Saturday to run or walk for a good cause, the USANA True Health Foundation.
In what proved to be the most fun and energetic run in USANA’s history, the Champions for Change 5K helped raise nearly $60,000 for the foundation!

About 2,500 participants took part in the 2012 USANA Champions for Change 5K on Aug. 18, 2012 in Salt Lake City. The event was in conjunction with the 2012 USANA International Convention and benefited the USANA True Health Foundation.
Warming Up in Style
The morning started with on-site registration and participants gathering their superhero-themed 5K T-shirts. Music filled the air as people mingled in anticipation for a couple of all-stars.
Celebrity trainer Kathy Kaehler and Olympic gold medalist Jennifer Azzi arrived and began the warm-up. How many people can say they received warm up training from Julia Roberts’ personal trainer? Or from an Olympian?
A special surprise guest showed up on site as well…it was Superman!
OK, it wasn’t really Superman, but it might as well have been. USANA CEO Dave Wentz showed up in a full Superman costume to show just how dedicated he is to the USANA True Health Foundation.
Associates flocked to the man in red as if he saved the world…well, he is trying. Each day the USANA True Health Foundation accepts donations to help humanity. That’s a broad term, “humanity,” but that’s because Dave and the USANA family believe it’s their duty to do all they can to make the world a better place.
And the Winners Are…
The first USANA Champions for Change 5K celebrated the first man, first woman, first man or woman 60+, and first child 12 or younger, who crossed the finish line. I’m pleased to announce the fastest runners in each category:
- Brayden McLland — 1st man
- Teresa Espenosa — 1st woman
- Keven Slotta — 1st person 60+
- Sam Macuga — 1st child 12 or younger
Wait, that wasn’t all. How could we possibly honor all these people who came to run in the superhero-themed race and not recognize the best representation of a superhero?
We did, and it was a close race.
The decision came down to two people — Chris Guzman, who was the Green Lantern, and Mark Olsen, who was Robin. The decision was so hard that it came down to a crowd vote where the loudest applause from the attendees made the choice.
And the winner was…..
Robin AND the Green Lantern!
Both costumes were so impressive that the crowd found them equally worthy.
All winners received gift baskets filled with USANA items and goodies from our various sponsors around Utah.
Did You Miss Out?
If you’re reading this and are a bit upset that you didn’t attend the wildly successful event, don’t fret. Next year is sure to be even better, with bigger prizes, more participates and crazier costumes!
Thank you to all the Utah locals and USANA Associates who participated in the 2012 USANA Champions for Change 5K event. It was a huge success!
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Thank you! That was the very first 5K that I ran in! I did it in 28 minutes! I am NOT a runner so that was huge for me… Every other year, I had so many excuses… “I need the time to pack my luggage and leave them with the bellhop, There isn’t enough time to shower and be ready… It’s too early… I don’t have any sponsors, etc.” The list went on and on… I am so stoked that I changed my mindset! Thank you USANA for everything you are!
My first convention and my first 5K ever! It was great to arrive and see more than 2000 people ready to run for this fantastic cause.
I’m So happy we all helped a little bit ; energy was there in every single meter!
Thank you Usana for giving us this chance to be heroes 🙂
See you next year
I’m so thrilled we were able to make such a fun and strong impression on you new 5K runners! And congratulations on completing the race! Can’t wait to see you next year:)
Thanks to everyone that went out and had a blast running/walking the 5K. Also to those who got us in shape before & helped out. Always a memorable experience at convention. 🙂
This is my first Convention and our (my husband and 16 month old son) 5K walk.
We did it in 1 hr.. but we had fun, and our 16mth old also walked a bit too. He loved all the extra exercise, and we crossed the finish line together!
Thank you USANA for giving us this oportunity and at the same time helping the CHF.
This was my third Convention and I was determine to do the 5k, I went to bed at 2.00am and fell asleep at 4.00am , ( I took my supplements a bit late and I was wide awake) I woke up at 6.00am, got dressed and join in the fun it was the best walk I ever did, and I did it in 1hr !Thank you Dr Wentz for those life saving supplements.
An awesome day an awesome event and an awesome $170,000 raised.
It was and is always and real fun time doing that 5k walk/run. The Superhero aspect this year was just way too funny!