2012 Convention: The Stage is Set!

Just finished our USANA Studios Staff meeting where we celebrated the final design of our new stage set for the 20th anniversary. (Sorry for the blurry pic – I promise the drinks are non-alchoholic).

As awesome as this new set is ( and it IS AWESOME!) — it’s who will be ON this set that is going to put it over the top!  That includes many of YOU!  This year’s theme is “Celebrating You” and we are painstakingly going through every detail of convention to make sure it is the best experience possible for all of you.  You’ll be educated, motivated and celebrated more than ever before!

Very soon we will be officially announcing an unbelievable keynote speaker lineup (some of this may have already leaked if you want to snoop around the tweets and Facebook posts).  Registration will be opening in less than a week — so be ready to register immediately — you’ll see why when we make the announcement.  I’ll be posting on a regular basis, giving you the behind the scenes scoop on our preparations for the biggest party in the history of USANA — so stay tuned!

2 replies
  1. Jessica Whiting
    Jessica Whiting says:

    With the change over to the new server, we had to manually put back in some of your comments. —Jessica W.

    Ceylan Guclu (Submitted on 2012/01/17 at 1:49 pm)
    We are looking forward to it 🙂 Thank you for all the support..

    Brian Knapp (Submitted on 2012/01/17 at 1:22 pm)
    Can’t Wait!!!

    Dora Zdanis (Submitted on 2012/01/17 at 12:51 pm)
    Pete and I are really excited about celebrating USANA’s 20th year! Thank you so much for all your hard work!

    Lisett (Submitted on 2012/01/17 at 11:53 am)
    Thanks guys I know it is a hard work, but you made it with all your love and your hearts. I wish convention will be in next week…, but we have to wait to see your wonderful and beautiful job. CONGRATULATIONSSSSS!!!!!


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