USANA Associate Turns Spartan Race Obstacles into Victories

Susanna Burger Spartan RaceLiving the #USANAlifestyle means a number of things for different people. For some, it’s the ability to travel the world and experience new cultures. And for others, it’s the chance to be their own boss.

For USANA Associate Susanna Burger, it’s having the energy and time to do what she enjoys most with those she loves.

Taking on the Challenge

What does Susanna love? It’s a little different than most, but it’s a challenge that is catching on with many: Spartan Races.

When Susanna was first introduced to the idea in 2013, she knew it was definitely challenging, but she also wasn’t going to let it stop her.

When a good friend mentioned the idea of competing alongside her, Susanna jumped at the opportunity.

“At the time, I didn’t know if I was physically fit enough to do it,” she says, “but I had been going to the gym regularly, and I knew doing it alongside my friend, who was an experienced racer, would help me.”

What Susanna didn’t realize was the first race would become the starting point for a new passion in her life.

Susanna Burger Spartan RaceBeyond the races, Susanna also discovered an increased desire to live a healthy lifestyle. After completing USANA’s RESET program in May 2015, Susanna hired a personal trainer. From cardio to Bikram yoga to strength training and weights, Susanna spends a great deal of time in the gym preparing for additional races.

“Spartan Races give me the inspiration to be fit and get in shape,” she says. “Constantly training for a race ensures that I continually challenge myself to reach my potential. My trainer keeps pushing me beyond the limits I have set for myself, proving I am capable of more than I give myself credit for.”

Exemplifying the #USANAlifestyle

Since her initial race, Susanna has gone on to compete in two additional Spartan Races. Of course each race is challenging, but each one brings her a different sense of accomplishment.

“I see these races just like building a USANA business, you identify the challenges and areas of improvement and then you work hard to improve in those areas and the hard work will then lead to accomplishing each of your goals!”

And this is just the beginning for Susanna, as she plans to complete three more races by the end of the year.

Susanna Burger Spartan“I will be competing in Spartan Super later this month, Spartan Sprint–which is three to five miles with more than 20 obstacles–in October, and the Spartan Beast–nearly 14 miles with more than 30 obstacles–in November,” she says.

While each one will test her more than the other, Susanna is ready for the challenge.

“I am grateful for the Spartan Race organization, because they have created events in which I am able to compete, but consistently challenge me to improve my performance. And I am even more grateful to Dr. Myron Wentz for creating USANA Health Sciences. As a consumer, the use of all of the products have optimized my health, given me the energy I need to complete each workout and each race, and the meal replacements have been a huge contributor in a healthy weight loss. As a business owner, I can share the products with confidence because of their high quality, and I can personally show what they have done for me!”*

As Susanna competes, she credits USANA for introducing her to a healthier way of life.

“The USANA lifestyle means living a healthy lifestyle and having the energy and time to do what I enjoy,” she says. “I have fallen in love with Spartan Racing, as it has given me a reason to continue focusing on constantly improving my fitness level, and I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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