5 Things to Know: USANA Social Media

Recently I traveled to Canada to train an outstanding group of entrepreneurs on effectively and efficiently using social media for business.

Social media was the topic of the day at a recent Super Saturday in Winnipeg.

Social media was the topic of the day at a recent Super Saturday in Winnipeg.

The Winnipeg, Manitoba, event opened my eyes to a number of things.

  • First, it’s exciting to see such a vibrant community willing to embrace social media.
  • Second, the little I saw of the city reminded me of Salt Lake in winter (of course, I did miss the epic “deep freeze” by a week … thank goodness).
  • Third, Ruby Director Rory Jones’ comparison between fishing and entrepreneurship was brilliant (ask him to tell you about it sometime).

And finally, we as a social media team are producing so much content and performing so many behind-the-scenes tasks that some of what we’re doing might be getting lost in the shuffle — and you might not be using the information for maximum effect.

As I often mention, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel when it comes to social media. We’ve got six years of content under our belts, and we’re producing more and more each day. But we need to let you know where to find it!

With that in mind, I thought it might be helpful to share 5 things to know about USANA social media, a department that is about to celebrate its sixth anniversary.

No. 1 Thing to Know

1. Social media is so dynamic that it’s sometimes difficult to keep up and oftentimes easy to get sucked in, which is why we’re here for you. As entrepreneurs, social media isn’t your business, but it is ours. Don’t hesitate to share content we’ve created (while including your own personalized messages, of course).

Social Icons 2013Here are 4 more things to know about USANA Social Media:

2. Our 40+ contributors have written 1,800 blog posts and counting! Do a quick search or click on the tab to the right to visit the archives. You never know what might resonate with someone interested in learning a little more about your business. Don’t forget to subscribe (via RSS or email).

3. We’re more than just an award-winning blog. Check out the Corporate Social Media page to see the many sites on which USANA has a presence (bookmark your favorites so you don’t miss a thing). And if you’re new to all this, check out these step-by-step tutorials to get started.

4. Come to think of it, we’re more than simply social media. We work daily to ensure USANA’s online reputation is strong and its Associates are treated to the best tools and education available. A wealth of information is available on our Digital Downloads page.

5. Just like you, we’re in the people business. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us here, on Facebook, on Twitter or via old-fashioned email with questions or comments. In the meantime, why not get to know the people who are on the other end of these blog posts?

Thank you for joining our community! This is a mere slice of what our Home Office staff and dozens of contributors locally and throughout the world do to help you as home-based business owners succeed. Here’s to sharing the #USANAlifestyle!

We’re proud to bring you the freshest content on the web! Follow USANA on Twitter, like our USANA Facebook page and enjoy the latest videos on the official USANA YouTube channel.

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The future of personalized health and nutrition is now available with USANA’s True Health Assessment.

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3 replies
  1. Sol Servín
    Sol Servín says:

    Gracias por estas herramientas que nos proporcionan, no soy muy de usar todo lo de redes sociales y la tecnología, pero sin duda alguna ustedes nos facilitan el que nos familiaricemos con ello y aprovecharlo a nuestro favor. Me gustaría que, información como ésta, la mandaran en español, ya que el traductor no es muy bueno y no se inglés. Muchas gracias.


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